Sunday, August 07, 2005

Iraq War claims first stateside casualty

Who knew opposing the Iraq War could be deadly in heart of the US? A firearms dealer at a Floyd County, Kentucky flea market is the first US based casualty of the war in Iraq. More accurately, it was being on the losing end of a duel over the war in Iraq that ended the life of 56-year old Harold Wayne Smith of Manchester, KY. Smith and 65-year old Douglas Moore, a friend who is also a firearms vendor at the flea market, started quarreling about the war when things got a bit out of hand:
One witness, Sam Hamman of Prestonsburg, told a newspaper, "Harold was talking about the 14 people that were killed in Iraq the other day and Doug said that just as many people were killed on the highways here.”

This quickly escalated into an argument, then to a scuffle, and finally both men drew pistols outside a snack shed. The dead man was just a little slower. Witnesses said he stood for about five seconds before falling on the paved walkway.
Moore was released without being charged.

The moral of the story: If you feel strongly enough about something to pull a loaded weapon on someone who's packing, make sure you have the faster trigger finger.

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