Wednesday, June 22, 2005

O'Reilly calls for arrest of Santorum & DeLay (indirectly, that is)

Lindsay posted this little tidbit from Bill O'Reilly in which the Republican pundit suggests having the FBI haul off the folks at Air America Radio as traitors for "undermining everything." According to O'Reilly dissent is fine but "undermining" is traitorous.
O'REILLY: And when he [Durbin] went out there, his intent was to whip up the American public against the Bush detainee policy. That's what his intent was. His intent wasn't to undermine the war effort, because he never even thought about it. He never even thought about it. But by not thinking about it, he made an egregious mistake because you must know the difference between dissent from the Iraq war and the war on terror and undermining it. And any American that undermines that war, with our soldiers in the field, or undermines the war on terror, with 3,000 dead on 9-11, is a traitor.
What, exactly, was Super Rick Santorum's intent when he likened Democrats to Hitler during the filibuster debates? It sounds like he was undermining the political process and endangering Democrats by "whipping up the American public against" them. More significantly are the statements of Tom DeLay, Super Rick (again), Lamar Smith, House Majority Dictator Bill Frist and braniac John Hostettler which were exceptionally egregious and potentially dangerous statements with the intent of "whipping up the American public against" Democrats, non-Christians and Judges who do not put conservative politics ahead of legal precedent (including not so veiled references to judges being appropriate targets for death threats). Based on O'Reilly's rationale, shouldn't these fine Republicans be carted away in chains as well?

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