Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Susan Anne Catherine Torres was born today

The second child of Jason and Susan Torres was delivered approximately 12 weeks after her 26 year old mother collapsed from a stroke secondary to malignant melanoma that had spread to her brain. Susan Torres was brain dead but was kept alive in the ICU with agressive intervention including mechanical ventilation.

The baby was 13.5 inches and weighed 1 lb 13 oz and is being cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at an Arlington, VA hospital. Approximately $400,000 has been raised to pay for the medical costs for Susan as medical insurance will only pay for a portion of her care (ICU/ventilator management can cost about $8,500/day). The baby would have been about 26-27 weeks into gestation, so while the mortality rate drops substantially after week 24, she is still at very high risk for some significant diseases of prematurity.


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