Thursday, November 06, 2008

Advice to the new President how to best fulfill one particular campaign promise

Like many kids, the Obama children are just dying for a dog. Anyone who reads this blog knows I'm an animal lover who currently has two monster pets of my own and understand how critical it is to make sure you've made the right choice when adding a pet to your family. President-elect Obama, or daddy as Sasha & Malia call him, made a very important announcement about one campaign promise he made:
"Sasha and Malia," Obama said in his victory speech at Chicago's Grant Park, "I love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House."
This is probably the only campaign promise I feel fully qualified to give Obama advice about and so I will, unhumbly, do so here. Mr President-elect, when going to find the puppy that will move into the White House with your family, please adopt a shelter/rescue animal. As minor a decision as this is in your role as POTUS, it is a decision that will set a tone and have an impact across the country, possibly leading others to consider rescuing an animal in dire need of a loving home instead of buying a pure-bred through a breeder.


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