Friday, March 24, 2006

so where's the law to require DNA testing of the possible rapists?

The grand state of Tennesee just passed the "Child Rape Protection Act of 2006", which will require retention of embryonic/fetal tissue from any abortion performed on a girl younger than 13 years old. According to the bill's sponsor, Sen. Roy Herron, the TN Bureau of Investigation could use the DNA extracted from the tissue samples to prosecute child molesters. Why do I find this curious? Well, first off, in order to obtain a sample from a suspect you need the suspect (or suspects) to either volunteer to provide a sample or you need to get a warrant (which a requires a valid rationale to obtain). It seems to me that if Herron, et al really sponsored the bill to prosecute child molesters instead of to intimate those wishing to obtain or performing abortions, the bill would have been broader and included mandatory DNA testing of any child born to a girl who would have conceived the child prior to her 13th birthday and mandatory prosecution of the baby's father (if known). Additionally, if child welfare were the issue, in cases where the girl didn't name the father, shouldn't the bill have also mandated DNA testing of all pubescent/post-pubescent males who were known to have contact with the girl? After all, Herron does state his goal is to prosecute these rapists and
most of these rapes are committed by those who know the victim, often go unreported, and are not discovered until days, weeks or months later.

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