Saturday, December 20, 2008

The only thing that's attractive about Ne-Yo is his bank account

and in this economy, maybe we can hope that Ne-Yo's ode to High Yellow hits his biggest asset. Ne-Yo recently made the following comments to a couple of radio DJs during an interview
All the prettiest kids is light skinned anyway . . . Essence (and a bunch of other sources too)
The video of the interview in which Ne-Yo decided to reinforce the asinine intra-racial bigotry has been removed from youtube but it was there long enough for people to see Ne-Yo's true colors. This is an ugly little secret within the black community that isn't often seen by the lightest of kids, but the pecking order has carried over since slave days when the lighter-skinned slaves got the house (domestic) jobs and the "darkies" were sent to the fields.

He's not the first black person to make derisive comments about darker skinned people. Sadly, the separation of colors is also seen in many of the music videos made by black (male) rappers who insist on casting only pretty light skinned women.

I guarantee you that the grand pooh-bah of jackassery (that'd be you Ne-Yo) would be pitching a hissy-fit were a public figure to say that all the pretty people are white (or something along the lines that any shade of brown or black was unattractive). All I can say is that Ne-Yo didn't show us that light skinned people are more atractive, he just proved that he is just plain ugly.


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Anonymous said...

I agree...the comment was non-needed. How can we move further if we have public figures making outrageous statements. I have seen beautiful children of all hues. Color should not matter! There are beautiful brown, black, white, Hispanic,Asian etc children. I would not want his ignorant behind anywhere close to a young person! Can you imagine the damage he has done by spreading that hate and ignorance? I'm an educator and our children are struggling they don't need people who are going to put them down they need positive role models and he is not one! I don't buy CD's but I do pay to download songs and I will NEVER download anything from him ever again!

Anonymous said...

did you ever realize that in all those rnb clips the dancers are black, and no blonde girls or stuff, did you recognie that.
I have to say that ne-yos talkin was bs but thats probably his opinion, so i assume that you prefer black people, let him go on with lighter people. i mean thank god that every single humans taste is various.Dont make a drama out of that.